Description of Computer Programming Programme
Computer Programming
General Description
Brief History
Orhangazi Vocational School Computer Programming Programme opened at 3 may 2010. Then The Programme accepted first students at September 2010.
Qualification Awarded
This program consists of two years of pre-Bsc and 120 hours of ECTS (European Credit Transfer System). When the program is successfully completed and the program requirements are met, students can obtain an pre-Bsc degree .
Level of Qualification
Short Cycle
Specific Admission Requirements
They are regulated by “Measurment, Selection and Placement Center (ÖSYM)” according to the principles determined by the Higher Education Council (YÖK).
Specific arrangements for the recognition of prior learning
The provisions in “Regulation on Transfer among Associate and Undergraduate Degree Programs, Double Major, and Subspecialty and the Principals of Credit Transfer among Institutions in Higher Education Institutions” are applied.
Qualification Requirements and Regulations
In order to get pre-Bsc degree at Computer Programming Program, the total of compulsory and elective hours of the lessons must be the equivalent of 120 ECTS and fully succeeded. The cumulative grade point average must be at least 2.0 out 4.00.
Profile of The Programme
To educate the technicians having the capability to define the problems related to the computer technologies, having the capability to analyse and solve these problems, planning on learning for a lifelong and applying what is learnt in the best ways, knowing the occupational, moral and social responsibilities, being respectful to human, society and nature, being partipatory and compatible for team work.
Key Learning Outcomes & Classified & Comparative
1. Having sufficient infrasturcture in computer systems; having the ability to use the applied and institutional knowledge in computer systems. Having the ability to detect, define and solve the problems in computer systems. With this purpose having the ability to select and imply the appropriate methods and technics
2. Having the ability to analyse a system, a component or a process, having ability to design for meeting the requirements under the realistic constraints; having ability to imply modern design methods in this way. Having the ability to select and use the essential tools in computer programmes; having the ability to use informatics technologies efficiently
3. Having the ability to work individually or in a multi-disiplinary teams. Self-reliance in taking responsibility
4. Having the ability to search the resources to acces the knowledge, having ability to use the databeses and the other information resources. Having the ability to follow the develeopments in science and technology, to be aware of lifelong learning, always having the ability to renew yourselves
5. Define, collect and efficiently apply the data which is been required for solutions of the problems that well-described in Computer Technologies and Programming field; indicate the comprehension of theoretical knowledge, hand and/or intellectual skills that required for practical applications
6. Present the ability to learn oneself and apply what learned indicate the comprehension to apply knowledge in the own field
7. Present the ability to identify the problems for the unexpected cases and acquire the problem solving skill in the own field
8. Control and evaluate performances of the staff under responsibility objectively
9. Conscious and cultured about social responsibility, ethics and social security rights for the subjects about related profession
10. Having the ability to communicate efficiently in verbal and written Turkish, to know at least one foreign language
11. Conscious about professional security, health and environmental protection
Occupational Profiles of Graduates With Examples
Graduates of Computer Programming, can work in the appropriate fields which their respective areas of public and private sector organizations (computer programmer, web design, hardware, network)
Graduation Requirements
Graduate students having successully completed their pre-Bsc degree can pass vertially to a Bsc degree program in departments of “Information Systems Engineering”,”Computer Engineering”, “Software Engineering”, “Teaching Computer Systems” and “Information Technology” in condition that they get enough points at DGS (Vertical Passage Exam) organised by OSYM (Student Selection and Placement Center).
Mode of Study
Each student must have attended at least 70 % of the lessons and 80 % of the practice so that they can enter final exams. Students must have for each school subject at least 1 mid-term visa exam and mid-term final exam. Mid-term visa exam has an influence of 50 % and mid-term final exam of 50 % to calculate the final grade. (Mid-term visa exam grade can be calculated through the points of homework, lab exam, quiz, etc..).All exams are evaluated out of 100 points. Students must have at least 20 points out of 100 at mid-term final exam. Students are considered successful when they get AA, BA, BB, CB, and CC on the exams. DC and DD are considered conditionally successful grade. A student must have ,at least, an acumulative grade point average of 2.0 to be considered successful at a subject of which they get DC and DD grades.
In order to complete a program successfully, students must pass all the courses included in the program with 120 AKTS , which is equal to ,at least, an acumulative grade point average of 2.0 out of 4.00. In addition students must have completed the internship successfully.
Access to Further Studies
Address and Contact Details
Lec. Nebi Seren
Tel: 0224 573 98 62
Lec. Kadir Burak OLGUN
Tel:+90 224 294 2674
Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading
Computer Programming Programme which included by Computer Technology Department have 2 insturactors. Lectures are applying at 3 different computer laboratuaries, 1 of them has got 30 computers, and other ones have 15 computers for each laboratuaries.

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