
The first National Workshop on Universities Without Barriers was held in Middle East Technical University on May 19th, 2007. Following the positive feedback of the participants the workshops became regular and eventually Universities Without Barriers Platform was established. The platform was formed online in October 2007y and currently has 420 members representing 120 universities (as of September 2012). Academic and administrative staff dealing with disabilities and disabled student representatives can become members of the platform.
Regional Meetings:  The regional meetings commenced with the meeting of universities based in İzmir and was recommended to the other universities in the 4th Workshop on Universities Without Barriers held in Ege University. The aim of the regional meetings is to facilitate the universities based in the same or neighboring cities to develop common solution proposals for practical matters and improve disabled student services. For logistical and convenience purposes, specific regions have been established. The regions.
Workshops on Universities Without Barriers have been haled since 2007.
⦁    10th Workshop: May 12th – 14th 2016    Anadolu University
9⦁    th Workshop: April 30th – May 2nd 2015    Muğla University
8⦁    th Workshop: May 15th – 17th 2014    Atatürk University - Workshop Report, Workshop Book
7⦁    th Workshop: April 4th – 5th 2013    Süleyman Demirel University
6⦁    th Workshop: March 22nd – 23rd 2012    Yeditepe University
5⦁    th Workshop: March 10th – 11th 2011    Ankara University
4⦁    th Workshop: March 11th – 12th 2010    Ege University
3⦁    rd Workshop: March 5th – 6th 2009    İstanbul University
2⦁    nd Workshop: June 26th – 27th 2008    METU
1⦁    st Workshop: May 19th 2007        METU
The details and Works of the Disabled Student Commission under the Council of Higher Education
The 2011 Declaration by the Disabled Student Platform was presented at the 5th Workshops on Universities Without Barriers.

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