Coaching Training

Coaching Training Program

To meet the coaching needs of sports-related institutions and organizations affiliated with the public or private sector and to train coaches who have gained expertise in the field. Coaches specializing in team sports or individual sports; attaches importance to ethical rules, adopts the principle of protecting the health and safety of the athlete, can work multidisciplinary for a high level of performance, can follow the scientific and technological developments in the world in the relevant field, interpret and apply the results, follow the development of the athlete in his field, performance tests, talent selection and guidance To train qualified trainers, sports specialists, and conditioners who can work individually and/or collaboratively with universities or research units on issues that they see as problems, who can carry out interdisciplinary and interdisciplinary studies, and who have leaders, entrepreneurs, researchers, and innovative features.


Program Profile

While the Department of Coaching Education program implements an intensive curriculum in the field of sports sciences, it carries out an education plan in order to train its students as good trainers, experts and conditioners in the sports branches of their choice. The education program of the department includes compulsory and elective courses related to the coaching profession and general culture. In order to gain professional experience before graduating, students also complete "Training Experience" and "Coaching Practice" trainings in the relevant branches of Sports Clubs in two semesters.


Admission and Registration Conditions

Bursa Uludag University Faculty of Sport Sciences Coaching Education Department admits students with Pre-Registration and Special Talent Exam. In order to apply for the Special Talent Exam, it is necessary to take the Higher Education Institutions Exam (YKS) conducted by the Student Selection and Placement Center (ÖSYM) and to get the base score determined by the ÖSYM as the base score for applying for the Special Talent Exams. Students who are successful in the Special Talent Exam can enroll in the program.


Employment Profile of Graduates

Graduates work as trainers, sports specialists and conditioners in the federations of related sports branches, clubs, private primary education, secondary education and universities.


Department Tasks

By partnering with various internal and external stakeholders of the sports field, to exchange ideas on needed issues, to receive suggestions and to make improvements in the training program,
To improve process-oriented education by evaluating student opinions and suggestions
To provide a strong theoretical and practical infrastructure at the undergraduate level by making use of its laboratory, field and facility and technological opportunities.
To constantly update the curriculum and content according to changing conditions by following all theoretical, practical and technological developments in the field of exercise and sports sciences.
To support and organize the participation of lecturers and students in scientific activities.

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