
The Department of Music Education at Bursa Uludağ University, Faculty of Education, was established in 1981 as the Music Department of Bursa Higher Teachers School, becoming the fourth Music Education Department in Turkey.

In 1982, following the Higher Education Law No. 2547, the institution was renamed as the Department of Music Education of the Faculty of Education. Initially, the department, which provided education at the university's 152 Evler Campus, was merged with the Department of Art Education in 1998 as part of the restructuring efforts initiated by the Council of Higher Education at the Faculties of Education, and it was renamed as the Department of Fine Arts Education, specifically the Division of Music Education. In 2007, the Division moved to its specially designed new building at the Görükle Campus. The new building, named 'Musiki Muallim Mektebi–1924' by the Senate of Uludağ University in memory of the first school to train music teachers in Turkey, established in Ankara in 1924, is nestled against a pine forest and includes a concert hall, music library, individual study rooms, classrooms, and a sound production and repair workshop.

The academic staff consists of 24 members, including 4 Professors, 4 Associate Professors, 4 PhD Lecturers, 11 Teaching Assistants with PhDs, and 1 Research Assistant. Students in the Division have the opportunity to take courses from other departments of the university through minors and dual degree programs. The Division actively contributes to the quality development of its students through scientific and artistic activities at national and international levels.

Among these activities are frequent events organized by the Polyphonic Music Group, a student group founded by students of the Music Education Division. Students have the opportunity to study at 13 music institutions in Italy, Hungary, Germany, Spain, and Poland for up to two semesters under the European Union Erasmus+ Student Exchange Program. Additionally, under the protocols established with many institutions through the Council of Higher Education's Farabi Student Exchange Program, students have the chance to study at other Music Education Divisions within Turkey for up to two semesters. Another protocol signed with South Korea falls under the Council of Higher Education Mevlana Student Exchange Program.

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