

Determination of natural frequencies and modes can be obtained with sensors that provide acceleration and force measurements and the MEScope software that collects information from these sensors. Tests can be conducted on continuously variable transmission systems using the Toroidal Cut test setup. Test setups are also available for various mechanisms (four-bar, crank-connecting rod, cam, etc.). There are experimental setups and tests for electrohydraulic valves, where position-controlled experiments can be conducted.

Laboratory Test Setups:

Important Projects Conducted or Ongoing in the Laboratory:


During the determination of gear efficiency, the input (electric motor) and output (work machine) forces are read from a PLC screen via load cells connected to the system's input and output. Gear efficiency can be found under different speeds and loading conditions.

Gear impact resistance measurements are obtained by converting the dynamic force into an electrical signal when the impactor (striker), equipped with a force gauge, drops from a certain height and hits a tooth on the gear wheel on the ground. This electrical signal is amplified in an amplifier and transferred to a computer via a data collector, and graphs are generated using a computer program.

The specimen connected to the fatigue test setup is subjected to repeated loads under input parameters such as frequency, offset, and amplitude provided by the computer system, and its fracture and crack behavior is examined.

In the setup, the pressure resulting from the strain on the strain gauge cell connected to the Wheatstone bridge determines the force or pressure applied to the surface where the strain gauge is mounted, based on the resistance change due to the strain.

Laboratory Test Setups:

Important Projects Conducted or Ongoing in the Laboratory:


Mechanical tests are conducted to understand the properties of materials. One of the most important tests is the tensile test, which provides information about the material's mechanical properties. The aim of the tensile test is to determine the elastic and plastic behavior of materials under static loads. The impact test is used to determine the mechanical properties of materials operating under conditions that may cause brittle fracture. The general purpose of the impact test is to determine the energy required for the fracture of metallic materials under dynamic loading and to determine the ductile-to-brittle transition temperature.

Laboratory Test Setups:


The heat technology laboratory has practical experimental devices that explain the basic principles of some theoretical topics taught in heat transfer and thermodynamics courses. Basic engineering measurements such as air, water, and product temperatures, flow rate, weight, heat energy, emissivity, and air velocity are conducted during the experiments.

Laboratory Test Setups:

Important Projects Conducted or Ongoing in the Laboratory:

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