Our Goals

The goal of the Department of Agricultural Economics is to increase economic competence to meet human needs. These goals cover both income distribution issues and consumer demands, as well as marketing and organizations for broader and more efficient production. These objectives, including the effective use and protection of the resources owned, include policies that help to increase the welfare of the people to a certain level.


Main Objectives of the Department of Agricultural Economics

To create a modern, self-renewable educational and research environment,

Research, education and publication integration,

To contribute to the field at national and international level by conducting theoretical and practical research with an interdisciplinary approach,

To benefit effectively and rationally from research funds and opportunities provided by the public and other resources,

Developing solutions and policies for economic problems in the fields of agriculture, food industry, natural resources and environment,

To increase the effectiveness of the teaching staff by carrying out the activities related to research, teaching and application in a balanced way,

To cooperate and coordinate with similar institutions and programs at national and international level.

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