Vocational School of Higher Education Expert In the martyr Zeki UĞUR Conference Hall, the event was held by our instructor, Landscape Architect Ömer GÜNTAN presented. "We live and consume the environment we live in, just like us, and we consume it," he said. He added that eden ecological restoration is always a necessity ". See. Ömer GÜNTAN said that ecological restoration is not a luxury but every citizen should respect the nature. He said that organizing such activities in our school will give direction to our students both in terms of professional and personal development.

          Student satisfied with the event. See. Ömer GÜNTAN, Director of the School Dr. Prof. Dr. Ruziye DAŞKIN, Deputy Head of School. Teacher See. Dr. Gülşah BAĞÇIVAN and Secretary of State V. Nihat İPEK and our instructor İsmet Ceyhun YILDIRIM also thanked them for their participation and ended the conference.




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