Etkinlik : Neural Mechanisms of Numerosity Perception in 3.5-year-olds

Etkinlik Yeri : Çevrimiçi

Etkinlik Başlangıç Tarihi : 08-11-2024

Etkinlik Bitiş Tarihi : 08-11-2024

Etkinlik Başlangıç Saati : 16:00

Etkinlik Bitiş Saati : 17:00

Etkinlik Açıklama :

Psikoloji Seminerleri kapsamında University of Tennessee doktora programı öğrencisi Kübra GENÇ-AKYÜZ, "Neural Mechanisms of Numerosity Perception in 3.5-year-olds" başlıklı bir seminer verecektir. Etkinliğe tüm öğretim elemanlarımız ile lisansüstü ve 4. sınıf lisans öğrencilerimiz davetlidir. Etkinliğe bu Microsoft Teams bağlantısına tıklayarak katılabilirsiniz. 

Seminer Özeti: 

     Numerosity perception is an essential part of everyday life. Previous research suggests that children may develop an ability to judge non-symbolic numerosity comparisons before formal mathematics education. This study aimed to explore the neural mechanisms of non-symbolic numerosity perception in preschool children. We administered a standard dot comparison task adapted from the one developed by (Halberda & Feigenson, 2008). Neural data were collected using functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) to measure hemodynamic activity from bilateral frontal to parietal regions. This study will provide insights into the developmental precursors of numerical understanding and the neural mechanisms of numerosity perception from a developmental perspective.

    The study is currently in the manuscript writing phase, so I will be sharing only the general background information from the literature in this presentation.

Kaynak: Halberda, J., & Feigenson, L. (2008). Developmental change in the acuity of the “number sense”: The approximate number system in 3-, 4-, 5-, and 6-year-olds and adults. Developmental Psychology, 44(5), 1457–1465.


Anasayfaya Dön Tüm Etkinlikler

Etkinlik Tarihi : [08-Kas-2024]

Etkinlik Görüntüleme : [407]