Event : Postgraduate Education Series-5

Event Location : T.R. Ministry of Health Bursa Oral and Dental Health Training and Research Hospital Dining Hall

Event Start Date : 17-05-2022

Event End Date : 17-11-2022

Event Start Time : 14:30

Event End Time : 15:30

Event Details :

Assoc.Prof.Çigdem ELBEL ÇUBUKÇU, an academic member of  Bursa Uludağ University Faculty of Dentistry Clinical Sciences Department, Pedodontics Department, will make a presentation titled "Dental Trauma" among "Post-Graduation Education Series" to the dentists and specialist dentists working at Bursa Oral and Dental Health Training and Research Hospital for which a joint use protocol was signed.


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Event Date : [17-May-2022]

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