Happy 100th Annıversary of our Republıc
 Happy 100th Annıversary of our Republıc
The Republic of Turkey, founded on October 29, 1923, is experiencing the justified pride and joy of reaching its 100th anniversary. The Republic, 
which we achieved after a difficult struggle and war of existence under the leadership of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, is a great success story of our 
nation, in which countless martyrs and veterans have written their names. It should be among our most basic duties to commemorate the heroes 
of this story with respect, gratitude and mercy and to carry this great work into the future by improving it in every aspect. As Ataturk said: “O rising 
new generation! The future is yours. We founded the Republic; "You are the ones who will raise it."

Happy 100th Anniversary of our Republic. May the Republic of Turkey live forever.




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