Event : Online Seminar of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Berna Coşkun

Event Location : Online

Event Start Date : 03-05-2024

Event End Date : 03-05-2024

Event Start Time : 14:00

Event End Time : 15:00

Event Details :

Within the "Education Seminar Series" scope held at Anadolu University Faculty of Education, our Department Faculty Members Assoc. Prof. Dr. Berna Coşkun and Onurhan Serbest, will participated as invited speakers, with a presentation titled "An example of a course designed with a flipped learning model in visual arts course: Teaching perspective with "FLAR book"" on 3 May 2024.

You can join online seminar from the link below. 

Link: https://meet.google.com/ozw-vasc-rhn


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Event Date : [03-May-2024]

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